

Welcome to my blog. Here, I document my journey after the loss of my brilliant daughter Elira to suicide in January of 2018. I am learning how to breathe and be again without a large piece of my heart walking this world.

No Death

No Death

January 12, 2019

It has been a year since you left us physically, but you really never left. You have been with us here all along, watching over us, loving us, letting us know that you are okay.

You didn’t die, your spirit went home, it was given back to the Source, to the Creator. It was released beautifully in the open space, just as ours will be released as well one day. You softly danced into the sky, freely, painlessly.

So, today, I will celebrate your life, the love you left behind, the beauty that you created. I will remember your vibrant spirit. For I was the lucky woman to spend every minute of almost 14 years with you. I was the lucky woman to have been given the gift of you. Stay close, my love, soar freely. Until I see you again, until I hold you in my arms again.


Your Ma

Now What?

Now What?

Always My Baby

Always My Baby